address Koenenkade 8 - 1081 KH - Amsterdam
telephone +31 20 3010 715


The Daytime Membership of Amstelpark Tennis Club in Amsterdam is suitable for those people who like to play their matches during the day. With this membership you can book tennis courts year round on weekdays between 9am and 5pm. You are also allowed to make use of the tennis courts on the weekend after 6pm. If you want to introduce a friend he/she pays half of the court price while you as a member play for free.

Daytime Membership

Play on our outdoor courts throughout the year as long as the weather permits at the times stated above

Move indoors (during the times stated above) in case of bad weather conditions if and when courts are available (no pre-booking allowed). This is free during the summer season (April through September). You will be charged half of the court rental price during the winter season (October through March)

Participate for a small fee in club tournaments, competitions and other fun activities.

Play official tournaments with your KNLTB (Dutch Tennis Federation) Membership number.

€ 169 per year - period 1 April till 31 March 
