address Koenenkade 8 - 1081 KH - Amsterdam
telephone +31 20 3010 715


From 29 Augustus - 4 September Amstelpark Tennis Club organizes her annual Open Tournament for all members of the Dutch Tennis Federation (KNLTB). All you need to participate in this tournament is a KNLTB-number. As a member of Amstelpark Tennis Club you have this number and will therefore receive an invitation to participate. Matches will be played in Singles, Doubles and Mix at levels 3 through 8.


Amstelpark Tennis Club Open Tournament 2016:

  • 29 August - 4 September 
  • Levels 3 though 8
  • Men’s Singles, Lady’s Singles, Men’s Doubles, Lady’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles
  • Availability: players need to be available at least one day during the pre-weekend and a minimum of three days during the week. If you sign up for two categories the minimum amount of available weekdays is 4. You have to be available throughout the finals weekend
  • If you sign up for doubles please make sure your doubles partner does so as well.