address Koenenkade 8 - 1081 KH - Amsterdam
telephone +31 20 3010 715
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Amstelpark Tennis Academy in Amsterdam is specialized in the development and implementation of tennis programs for talented young tennis players. With unique talent programs and a state of the art accommodation, Amstelpark Tennis Academy offers complete programs to get the maximum out of every player. Click here to download the brochure.

Would you like to start training at the Amstelpark Pro Academy but do you live too far away or don't you have any training buddies at your tennis club? Then it is possible to only join us for tennis training instead of following the complete Pro Academy program. If you are interested, please contact us for the possibilities.

Amstelpark Tennis Academy:

+ Complete training programs to international standards (ITF and KNLTB).
+ Besides inhouse training staff Amstelpark cooperates with elite coaches.
+ Monitoring of pupils on technical, tactical, physical and mental levels.
+ Programs focused on age and level.
+ Partnerships with the Talentenacademie (mental training), FysioConcept (medical support) en Calandlyceum (high school with a special sport status - LOOT).
+ Amstelpark Tennis Academy offers everything in one place: training, support, education and housing.

Reach the top! Every training program of Amstelpark Tennis Academy includes every aspect to get you fully prepared for professional tennis.