address Koenenkade 8 - 1081 KH - Amsterdam
telephone +31 20 3010 715


Daytime Student Membership

Play on any free outdoor court at Amstelpark, for the period of one year on weekdays between 9am and 5pm and in the weekend after 6 pm

Participate for a small fee in club tournaments, competitions and other fun activities.

Play official tournaments with your KNLTB (Dutch Tennis Federation) Membership number.

€ 99 per year, period 1 April till 31 March

Full student membership 

+ Play on any free outdoor court at Amstelpark for the period of one year 

+ Participate for free in the Wednesday evening (racket) TOSS, club tournaments, competitions and other fun activities during the summer season (April through September).

+ Play official tournaments and competition with your KNLTB (Dutch Tennis Federation) Membership number.

+ Represent Amstelpark as a member of one of our Club Competition teams.

€ 179 per year - period 1 April till 31 March
