address Koenenkade 8 - 1081 KH - Amsterdam
telephone +31 20 3010 715


Amstelpark Tennis Club in Amsterdam organizes weekly racket TOSS meetings for all its members. A fun and active way to play doubles matches with other members of the club

Mondag morning (summer):

On Monday morning during the summer season the TOSS is organized bij Willie and Herman Schreijer. Matches are being played from 11am-2pm on courts 1 thru 5. Members with a Daytime membership and members with full memberships are more than welcome to join.

Wednesday evening (summer and winter):

Members with a full membership can also enjoy doubles matches on Wednesday evening from 7pm-10pm. During the summer season the matches are organized by Lex van der Pand. During the winter season Ben Nankoe takes care of the matches.
You are not required to show up right at the beginning of each TOSS session. If you cannot make it until later it’s no problem. You will be rotated in during the next round. Please keep in mind that the TOSS matches are played on outdoor courts. Bad weather may cause the TOSS to be cancelled.